Product Description
Incubator MIRAII Servo Control + Lampu Phototherapy MIRAII-064E
Spesifikasi Produk:
Konstruksi: Plat besi, pipa stainless steel dan acrylic
Dimensi: 88 x 42 x 135 cm
Matras: 65 x 35 cm
Heater: Dry heater
Power consumption: AC. 220 v, 300 w, 50 Hz
Temperature control: Skin/Servo mode 27 C – 37 C, Air/Manual mode 25 C – 38 C
Temperature alarm: Air flow/fan fsilure with red light, Air failure (38 C) with red light, Skin failure (37 C) with red light, High failure (37 C) wuth red light, Alarm mute silent with red light
Blue light: 4 x 20 watt, Indicator hour meter
Akurasi suhu: ± 0,2 C
Fiture: Skin sensor (probe), Higrometer
Roda: 5 inchi
Finishing: Cat epoxy powder coating